Monday, May 22, 2006

Winning Placepot Picks, Gambling Housewife Nap

Also got the placepot up again yesterday so next project after Exactas will be "How To Win The Placepot"

Gambling Housewife Wins Placepot:

Gambling Housewife Jackpot - Placepot Selections - at Ripon
2.10 Tokyo Jo, Catweasle
2.40 Fongs Gazelle
3.10 Dispol Veleta, Goodbye Mr Bond, Cool Hunter
3.40 Tagula Sunrise, Dispol Katie
4.15 Find It Out, Sir Arthur, Speedy Sam
4.45 Juniper Girl, Sunbolt

1 comment:

WagerWitch said...

What is a placepot?

Is it the placing 2?

Like a trifecta but only for placing?

Wager Witch